I’ve been looking forward to introducing you to my site. And since it’s important that you get all the information you need, I’ve prepared this quickguide for you. It’s structured a bit differently, from what you’re used to in other sites.
- The main menu is in both DANISH and english. DK/gb
- Start by doubleclick the specific menu you wish to dick into. For instance “TØJ/Clothes” and then you doubleclick on “Redesigns for sale” as you can see below. This way you’ll find my introduction to all the submenues ie. my thoughts and ideas behind my Redesigns.
- Under Redesigns for sale more submenues will open up, sorted after types of designs.

- Under HJEM/home you’ll find information about Covid-19 restrictions, prises and a sizeguide.
- If you want to be updated on workshop dates, dates for guestspeaker-events, and the latest news in general, I recommend that you subscribe to my Newsletter. Just send me a mail to fiefit@outlook.com or a text message to +45 4082 9038 noted “Newsletter”. Then I’ll send you a link to my Blog in which I link to the latest news.
- Welcome to FieFit Upcycling
- KONTAKT/contact
- Quickguide til hjemmesiden
- Bukser
- Pants DIY
- Curve og Plus size
- Curve and Plus Size
- Huer og halstørklæder
- Hats and scarves for winter
- Petite
- Skjorter
- Shirts
- Tall
- GDS/DIY inspiration
- DIY Inspiration
- Bluser GDS
- Blouses DIY
- Jakker, kimono etc GDS
- Jackets, Kimonos etc DIY
- Kjoler GDS
- Dresses DIY
- Kraver etc GDS
- Collars etc DIY
- Nederdele GDS
- Skirts DIY
- Overtøj GDS
- Outerwear DIY
- Puttepølser GDS
- Snugglerings DIY
- Strik GDS
- Knitwear DIY
- Betræk til havehynder og sofapuder
- Covers for garden- and sofacushions
- Puttepølser
- Snuggle-rings
- Specialsyede tasker
- Customized bags
- Strikkeopskrifter
- Knitting patterns
- Nyheder